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I have put these pictures on the internet hoping that some one some where will have some information about their decendents.

A few pictures of Mathieson ancesters. Sorry for the poor quality of the images but they have copied many times.

This picture was taken about 1950. In the front from the left are: Myself / My dad also called Harry / and my Aunt Annie who was the daughter of Sevart Mathieson the Norwegian. as was my dad. Annie went to Iowa to visit Andeas Sevart's brothers who had emigrated there. I understand she had to return to England as she was pregnant
This is my Aunt Annie when she married to David Rands. The little girl is her daughter Doris who I think she was pregnant with when she was in Iowa. Doris used to look after me when I was a baby. Sadly she died when very young.

This is me taken in Cairo by a Arab photographer. I think I look a bit like the tall chap at the back of the family group photographed in Lake Mills Iowa

This group I am sure is of My Grandfather's brother and his family. If they are they would all be Mathiesons. I wonder where all their decendents are now.


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